Passive House is the optimum form of energy efficient building design and building assembly. Insulation levels are are very requiring to meet very low u-values of of less than 0.1.
Energy produced is recovered for re-use and required air circulation changes are insured. Toxins an pollen’s are filtered out using this system. This air handling, heating and heat recovery system is a simple light engineering fit-out at ceiling level.
In a passive house climate is constant and conformable, efficient and healthy. Renewable energy source forms an integral part of energy supply.
Bright, warm, clean living
Passive design encourages bright spacious living. Passive that at least 25% of the southern facade of is fitted with passive standard glazing. Passive encourages used of low carbon materials in construction such as wood and lower carbon insulation. Environment and efficiency is considered in every aspect of Passive House. Design shown is a proposed passive house in Ballinskelligs.
Walsh Architectural
Lakelands House
Co. Kerry
T. 066 9474228
F. 066 9474089
Albert Walsh
Architectural Technologist
PSRA No. 001627